Writing, Paints & Dusts
Add details to your treats.
Easy to use & fun for all ages.
- Write on top of almost anything!
- Warm container to liquefy
then squeeze out. - Becomes firm as it cools. Squeeze.
Tastes like candy!
- Many colors, rewarm and use as needed.
Good a year or more. - Contains dairy and soy products

- Write on top of almost anything!
- Ready to use in yellow, pink & green.
- Good for 3-6 months.
- Designs stay soft and may bleed if refrigerated.
- Tastes okay, vegan.
- Just like using watercolors. Goes on wet,
then dries. Shimmer paint will have a sparkly finish.
- Best on firm, dry surfaces (cookies, modeling
chocolate, fondant, firm icing, fruit, candies. - Wonderful for sugar-free decorating.
- Made from vegetable colors and organic
powdered egg white.
- Like "make-up" for decorations! Brush
dry powder for an elegant shine or sparkle.
- Use on firm, dry surfaces (cookies,
modeling chocolate, fondant, firm icing). - Made from natural mica (like the sparkles
in sand) and titanium dioxie (used to whiten
candies, cosmetics and toothpaste.